Your Trusted Traveling Partner

All your travel needs could be fulfill only from the Best Taxi service, who have island-wide coverage with budget vehicle to luxury cars.

This is why you should choose us

We are registered Taxi Cab Service in Sri Lanka, who always provide best rates for your taxi cab request. When your mind asking for a “Cab service near to me”, your mind first answer would be, CAB LANKA TOURS. If you are looking for a cheap taxi or budget taxi specially in Colombo, Galle, Kandy & other major cities, we will be the choice. If you compare the taxi prices & services like “pickme” in Sri Lanka, we are in the top who offer reliable and trusted Taxi Cab service. Island wide Taxi & Cab Service with a fleet of 1000 vehicles to the range from mini car, sedan car, minivan, to high roof van, able to cover your all kinds of taxi needs including custom tours, of passengers in Sri Lanka. That is why we call as best taxi service in Sri Lanka.

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